Securing SEO Partnerships in 2024
We are looking to secure a handful of growth-focused SEO partnerships going into 2024.
Why would I need to invest in an SEO partnership?
Markets are slow. CPC is rising and you aren't acquiring customers like you thought through paid media channels.
You aren't seeing the return on ad spend and you are looking to diversify growth channels going into 2024.
Your competitors are beating you and you can't seem to get ahead.
Who is this for?
We are looking to partner with companies focused on high growth and who want big wins.
What does a partnership look like?
We become an extension of your team. We add in outside SEO expertise to a foundational marketing team to bolster your efforts and maximize results.
How does this work?
By launching an ambitious SEO/PR campaign that drives growth even in this down market.
If you are the only one who doesn't back off marketing spend like your competitors, chances are, you will likely get ahead.
Budget cuts and worthwhile investments
In client calls the last few weeks, the recurring reason for not moving forward is budget.
"Let's Follow up in March" has been the general sentiment.
I get it, but SEO boils down to this: the more you invest, the faster you get there.
If you invest nothing, don't be surprised when the pipeline isn't full.
If you can invest something, you will yield something at the very least.
If you invest heavily, you will stay ahead of the competition, build pipeline in a down market and set your company up to win for years.
The choice is yours.